
You Were Created to be a Problem Solver!

by | Nov 12, 2024

You Were Created to be a Problem Solver!

Jesus is our example, and Jesus was a problem solver. Everyone that has lived on this earth has encountered problems. Our success and happiness in life depends on our willingness to help others solve their problems. Successful people are problem solvers. A successful attorney solves legal problems. Electricians solve electrical problems. The automobile mechanic solves car problems.

Consider the ministry of Jesus:

  1. Thousands were burdened with guilt because of sin. Jesus offered forgiveness.

  2. Thousands needed spiritual guidance. Jesus said, “I am the bread of life (John 6:35a NLT).

  3. Multitudes of people were dealing with sickness and disease. Jesus “went about doing good and healing all that were oppressed of the devil” (Acts 10:38b KJV).

  4. People were possessed with evil spirits. Jesus set them free.

Jesus had something others needed, and He solved their problems. He offered them eternal life, joy, forgiveness, financial freedom, peace, and hope.

We are instructed to be ambassadors for Christ by being salt and light in this world. I encourage you to take inventory of yourself today. What do you have to offer someone else? When God created you, He had a plan for your life on this earth.

Jeremiah 1:5a (AMP) says,Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you [and approved of you as My chosen instrument], And before you were born I consecrated you [to Myself as My own].”

Everything that God has made is a solution to a problem. Every person that God has created has unique abilities and giftings to solve problems. Your contribution to others is an assignment from God. A doctor is assigned to his patient. A wife is assigned to her husband. Parents are assigned to their children. Employees are assigned to their employers. For example, Moses was assigned to the Israelites, and Aaron was assigned to Moses.

The assignments that God has given you will always solve a problem. God created you with solutions for someone who has a need. Ask God to show you who needs you, and to help you discover what you have to offer. Jesus built His life around the contributions He made to others. As we do the same thing, we will discover fulfillment and satisfaction to a higher degree than we could have imagined!

Pastor Doug Daniels is a staff member of Lord of Hosts Church.