In Acts 4:29 NLT, we read: “And now, O Lord, hear their threats, and give us, your servants, great boldness in preaching your word.”
We are in a season where people are beginning to see through the lies and deceptions of the enemy and are now desperately looking for hope, encouragement, and truth. As the body of Christ, we must be willing to be that voice for righteousness and truth. It will not always be easy to stand in the face of persecution and it will not always be easy to confront the false narratives of the culture, but in order for things to shift and change, there must be a countering to what has been.
Even in the midst of imprisonment and threats of death, the early apostles understood that it was imperative that they continue to boldly preach the Gospel. Their unwavering stance and bold preaching prepared the way for the Holy Spirit to move among the people and caused many to turn from evil and follow Christ. The same is true today. Even amid internet trolls and social media censorship, we must continue to be a bold voice for righteousness and allow the Holy Spirit to expose the lies, uncover the truth, and turn the hearts of men back to the Father.
We each have a part to play to help win souls for the Lord. Now more than ever, our voice for truth is needed in our sphere of influence. Our family members, coworkers, and even casual acquaintances need to hear the hope of God’s redemptive plan. The lies of the enemy are quickly being uncovered and it’s up to the body of Christ to show people where truth can be found.
Terri Blackburn is a staff member of Lord of Hosts Church.