
Join LOH

Interested in joining the LOH Family?

Connecting with and joining a local church is one of the most vital factors in leading a consistent and victorious walk as a believer! When you join a local church and become an active member, you have the opportunity to help others become empowered with the presence of God in their daily lives as well!

Membership in the Body of Christ

To be a member of any group, one must be willing to participate in any requirements and expectations that help the group fulfill its vision and purpose. When it comes to the Body of Christ, the primary requirement is salvation. This membership requires both the activation and participation to be a valid member.


Romans 10:9–11 (believing and receiving). You become active in the Body of Christ when you are born again.

2 Timothy 3:10. You must believe the basic doctrine and vision of your local church. You must also receive the leadership and teaching of that church and accept their oversight.

(Ephesians 4:18, Hebrews 13:17).


Ephesians 4:16 (willingness and involvement). Every member should involve themselves in the body to supply and be a part of the ministry of the church. Everyone is called to be a part of the “helps” ministry. Every member should be involved in financially supplying the “storehouse” (local church) through their tithes and offerings (Malachi 3:10).

To maintain membership in the Body of Christ, you must be willing to obey Jesus’ commands and be involved. Every part brings increase.

Membership in the Local Church

The local church also follows the same principles of activation and participation and is a very important part of our life in the Body of Christ. Throughout the whole New Testament, there were different groups of believers in many nations: Jerusalem, Antioch, Corinth, Ephesus, etc. Read: Hebrews 10:25.

Activating Membership

Joining a church is an impactful and life-changing decision! Prior to making this kind of choice, it’s always important to include God in the matter through prayer while also talking it over with your loved ones who may be affected. At Lord of Hosts Church we strongly believe that church membership is a commitment that should be taken with the utmost sincerity. Below we have outlined requirements for becoming a successful and thriving member:

  • A personal commitment of faith in Jesus Christ for salvation
  • Attend and complete the Lord of Hosts Church membership seminar class
  • Attend the designated Membership Sunday Service to be officially received as a member
  • Be consistent in attendance and actively involved at Lord of Hosts Church
  • Must be 18 years of age or older

If you are interested in attending the next Membership Seminar, please fill out the form on this page and we will contact you!

Please note: Childcare up to 5th grade is provided during the seminar. If you need childcare, please list names and ages of your children on the form.

Membership Sign-up Form

If you are interested in attending the next Membership Seminar and are 18+ years old, please fill out the form. You will be notified of the next scheduled class date.

Childcare up to 5th grade is provided during the seminar. If you need childcare, please list names and ages of your children on the form.

This form is for Local Membership. You can find E-membership Sign Up HERE

Please complete this form in its entirety.