One of my favorite scriptures is 1 Corinthians 15:57-58 that says, “But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord.”
Let’s look at the words “steadfast” and “immovable.” The word “steadfast” means dutifully firm, unwavering, or settled, and the word “immovable” means unable to move. This describes how the Lord wants us to be in our walk and work for Him. This means no matter what comes our way: unexpected events of life, diagnosis, attitudes of others around us, or conflict … we are to be immovable. When hard things come, we stay settled in the knowledge of who God is, and we stay firmly planted in Him.
The word “consistent” is very similar to steadfast, and it means to be unchanging in nature. There is a saying that goes, “consistency is what transforms average into excellence.” Sometimes, we look at the mountain of consistency and think, “I can never accomplish that,” but if we take one step each day towards being consistent, before we know it, we’ll be at the top of that mountain.
There maybe be trials and seasons where it seems like you’re being moved about, or maybe you’ve paused to enjoy the flowers on the way up the mountain of consistency. There’s grace for those times, but our overall goal in life should be to abound in the work of the Lord and be steadfast and immovable while doing it.
Over and over in the word of God we see the Lord encouraging us to be steadfast and consistent such as:
Abide — continue to dwell — in Him (John 15:4).
Mediate day and night on the word (Psalm 1:2).
Rejoice always (1 Thess. 5:16).
Pray always (1 Thess. 5:17).
Continually let your mouth give praise (Psalms 34:1).
The Lord knows that as we become steadfast in our walk with Him, it will be a blessing to us, and His heart is for us to walk in blessing. One of the things I find special in I Corinthians 15:57-58 is found in verse 57. God starts off by telling us that He gives us the victory. So, we have the victory already, then He says go be steadfast and immovable, and know that your labor isn’t in vain, empty, or doesn’t produce — because He has already given you VICTORY! You have the VICTORY to walk steadfastly and do the work that God has called you to! YOU are VICTORIOUS!
April Hair is the Promise Kids Ministry Director at Lord of Hosts Church.